York Ag offers a wholesome portfolio to support feed manufacturers and horse growers. Our feed calcium, available in mutliple mesh sizes, solubility, and availability, can be used to support bone and teeth development. In addition to our natural yeast-based additives such as Hilyses® and IMW50®, we also offer odor erasers, bedding amendments, and more.
Our team is ready to collaborate with you, send us a note with your immediate ingredient needs.
In addition to our proprietary and organic YORK Calcium Chips®, we commercialize a full range of mined calcium products, – with no heating and no flow agents – in granular and finer mesh form to support your organic feed formulations.
Hilyses® is a unique hydrolyzed yeast with no genetically modified organisms, fillers, or carriers, that delivers more functional components to support livestock through everyday stress, transitions, and disease challenge.
IMW50® is a unique yeast additive extracted from sugar cane ethanol with a rich formula of beta glucans and mono-oligosaccharides (MOS). Let our team assess your nutritional needs and recommend the most suitable yeast additive.
YORK Horse Stall Odor Eraser is designed to be used as an aid in reducing moisture and controlling ammonia odor often generated when horses are housed inside stalls, paddocks, and stables. Earned designation PA Preferred.
Stalosan® F is a bedding amendment that can help reduce bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. It helps decrease the pathogenic load on the production system and improve animal housing conditions.