ingredients that help support animal well-being
York Ag offers several feed ingredients that help support organic animal feed production and livestock operation. These ingredients provide natural, high-quality characteristics, free from chemical residues. All of our ingredients for organic applications must be approved for use by each producer's certifier. Our proprietary products YORK CALCIUM CHIPS® and BOVAZYME® ORGANIC, our yeast-based additives such as Hilyses®, RYeast40®, and IMW50®, our ARAGONITE-C and multiple FEED CALCIUM and multiple feed additive products can be used in your organic operation.
Our team at York Ag is ready to collaborate with you.
Our coarse feed calcium has been the ingredient of choice helping the egg laying industry build a better egg shell. Our proprietary YORK CALCIUM CHIPS® have become a reliable, consistent calcium source to help layers maintain healthy reserves of calcium.
BOVAZYME® ORGANIC offers the same high-quality, defined enzymes found in BOVAZYME®, yet it utilizes an organic carrier to meet strict requirements in organic animal feed manufacturing and organic animal production.
ARAGONITE-C, The Ocean's Calcium™, is a natural calcium carbonate mineral, formed by biological and physical processes, including precipitation from marine and freshwater environments. It is the premium calcium source for the egg laying industry.
Hilyses® is a unique hydrolyzed yeast with no genetically modified organisms, fillers, or carriers, that delivers more functional components to support livestock through everyday stress, transitions, and disease challenge.
RYeast40® offers excellent nutrition for the rumen flora. It helps stimulate the cellulolytic bacteria activity to boost the rumen’s microflora condition. A natural yeast feed additive extracted from sugar cane, it helps support dairy and grazing cattle.
IMW50® is a unique yeast additive extracted from sugar cane ethanol with a rich formula of beta glucans and mono-oligosaccharides (MOS). Let our team assess your nutritional needs and recommend the most suitable yeast additive.
Probiotech International offers an impressive feed ingredient portfolio for diverse poultry applications. Probiotech is an animal nutrition company based in Canada that manufactures unique natural feed additives.
In addition to our proprietary and organic YORK CALCIUM CHIPS®, we commercialize a full range of mined calcium products, – with no heating and no flow agents – in granular and finer mesh form to support your organic feed formulations.
Stay Blue G is used as an excipient for water lines used for medication and sanitization purposes. It is a food grade dye functioning as a visual indicator to confirm entire animal population has been attained.

Poultry Shield FG is a granular, high-purity feed grade sulfur product typically used to aid in control of ammonia emissions in poultry houses by reducing the pH of the litter.

Defender-O is all natural, concentrated liquid that provides rapid ammonia control, pH reduction and can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with a bedding amendment for improved long-term control.